Diablos ECA Fire Caps
Diablos ECA Fire Caps

Diablos ECA Fire Caps

Your Price: $39.95
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Supplement Facts

Product Details
Ephedra Per Serving: 50mg
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 90
Manufacturer: Innovative Laboratories
Suggested Use: As a dietary
supplement, take (1) capsule
2-3 times per day


Diablos ECA Fire Caps

Capsules per Bottle: 90

Ephedra extract per Serving: 50 mg

Brand: Innovative Laboratories

Diablos ECA Fire Caps with 50 mg of Ephedra Extract

This diet supplement is the industry’s premier ECA type product. Diablos ECA Fire Caps are designed as an intense stimulant blend that can help users lose weight.

ECA has been a popular combination of ingredients in weight loss products in the past. Diablos ECA Fire Caps currently is the industry gold standard for ECA type products because it is certified to contain authenticated ephedra extract, something you won’t find in many other products.

If you are looking for a product that is designed to help increase your metabolic rate, lower stress, boost natural energy and focus, and support cells rejuvenate, you might think that you are on a wild goose chase. Surely a product that quality is too good to be true. Well, we have some very good news for you. We found the pot of gold under the rainbow, and it's actually called Diablos ECA Fire Caps.

Diablos Diet Pill Reviews

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any disease.

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