Food Logging: Why It Is Essential To Dieters!
Posted by Sarah Franklin on 9/8/2010 to
Health & Fitness
If you are serious about losing weight, I hope you keep a food log. If you don't, you should start now! I do, and it keeps me in check of what I consume. If you make it a habit to log everything you eat and drink, you will think twice about giving into cravings. There are countless apps for the iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad for logging your food intake and calories, logging your exercise, and weight loss goals. I use my fitness pal, which you can also do online at
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Is Ephedra Legal?
Posted by Sarah Franklin on 8/29/2010 to
The answer is Yes, ephedra is legal. When I tell people about our products and our website, more often than not, I hear, "Isn't ephedra banned?" Many people don't know that there are around 36 different species of ephedra, many of them having great weight loss and fat-burning properties. In 2006 the FDA banned any dietary supplements with active ephedrine alkaloids.
Getting Fit with Green Stinger
Posted by Sarah Franklin on 8/25/2010 to
Today marks the end of my summer and the beginning of my getting fit boot camp. My daughter started kindergarten today, and I started getting my butt back in tip-top shape. We have been on vacation after vacation this summer, and trust me. It shows how tight my jeans have been lately. I started my day as always with a cup of coffee and the usual getting ready for school, back to the old routine. I opened up a brand new bottle of Green Stinger, took two, and prepared myself for a serious sweat session.
How To Diet For Long-Term Weight Control?
Posted by Sarah Franklin on 8/14/2010 to
Health & Fitness
The New Ephedra Warehouse Blog!
Posted by Sarah Franklin on 8/10/2010 to
Health & Fitness
Hello Ephedra Warehouse customers! Welcome to our new blog :) Throughout the week, I will write about our products, health, fitness and review supplements myself as we get new ones in. This is an excellent opportunity for me to share my weight loss and fitness journey with you guys.
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